Learning Management Providers

Professional learning management system developers in the UK.

Leading learning managment developers in the UK


Why use Falcon Digital for your Learning Management System

We specialise in developing high performance, WordPress websites combining the newest and innovative technological solutions for you and your business.

We have experience in developing high-end website and e-learning solutions for entrepreneurs, SMS, and smaller businesses.  Business stakeholders are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of e-learning, partly due to the Global Pandemic, with the increase in remote working.  Research has shown that  70% of corporations and 99% of educational institutions already having an Learning Management Systems “LMS” in place. Consequently e-learning software and LMS is predicted to continue to grow and influence the entire learning sphere and global workforce.

We custom-build professional LMS user-friendly learning websites to meet your specific business needs, enabling learners to learn anything, anywhere at any time:-

  • Train new employees
  • Test your learners’ knowledge
  • Mark Assignments and give direct feedback
  • Award Certificates
  • Manage learner interface, user registration and e-learning journey
  • Assess and Identify skills gap where upskilling is required
  • Analytics, download reports to inform decision-making
  • Sell exclusive online courses
  • And so much more etc etc !

Alternatively if you are not looking to develop be-spoke learning we can work with you to find a pre-designed course that’s already online.

It is vital to you and your business to understand what an LMS is, how it works, and what are its’ benefits.

Fun Facts

Happy Clients

Websites Built

Amazing Office Location

Client Digital Turnover


Microsoft logo
ico logo
Training standards approved
Exeter College logo
Apprenticeships logo
Falcon Digital Web Design Logo

Email [email protected]

Phone 01392 908804

Office Hours
9am - 5pm Mon-Fri

Office Address
Falcon Digital, Office 6, 6 St Paul's Road, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 2HP


Company Registration no: 13682575

Trusted web design