New website launch: Falcon Digital (that’s us!)
Launch Date: 3rd April 2023
New website launch: Falcon Digital Expansion

Well, it has only taken us 18 months to finish the new site! Over the past 18 months there has been a lot happening behind the scenes on our new website:
1- News Section
Our news system is now fully live allowing us to regularly keep our site up to date with recent news, blogs and projects. this is an instrumental part of our recent update allowing us to keep our clients and followers up to date. View all Falcon Digital news here.
2- Portfolio
You have probably noticed our new ‘Our Work’ portfolio page which is updated daily with our new launches. The new portfolio system showcases our recent work and allows visitors to visit the sites in real-time. Be sure to check our up-to-date portfolio. View Our Work here.
3- Client Portals
The biggest feature of our new site is the client portal system. Each SEO client at Falcon Digital now has their very own customised portal that allows them to view their weekly and monthly reports as well as real-time data on their site’s performance. Get in touch if you would like a tour of our leading SEO portal.
4- New Services Launch
We have several new service launches that you can read more about here:
Charity and Community Free Website Design
Website Hosting
Video Production

A note from our Director
“It has taken us some time to finish our portal, but I couldn’t be happier with the results or the team, not only are we better showcasing Falcon Digital but we are also delivering industry-leading value to our SEO clients. Well done to all involved.”

Email [email protected]
Phone 01392 908804
Office Hours
9am - 5pm Mon-Fri
Office Address
Falcon Digital, Office 6, 6 St Paul's Road, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 2HP
Other Services
Company Registration no: 13682575