Falcon Digital and Headway Devon Partner

Falcon Digital are facilitating the exposure and services offered by Headway Devon via a robust support package and marketing drive

headway devon

We are proud to announce that on the 20th of February, Ruth, the Director of Headway Devon, and Charlie, the Director of Falcon Digital agreed to partner and facilitate the growth of Headway Devon and its vital services.

Headway Devon provides vital assistance to those that have suffered severe head injuries with lasting effects and care being required. The charity works tirelessly to help those affected get back to some form of normality or a new way of living following injury. Falcon is proud to be helping Ruth and her team and cannot wait to showcase their new website, planned for a March launch.

Headway Devon in their own words:

Headway Devon exists to ensure that when a person’s life is turned upside down by brain injury, they get the help and support they need and deserve.

Brain injury has many causes but some of the most common are head injury, stroke, brain tumour, and illnesses like meningitis.

Headway Devon are the local acquired brain injury specialists and we have been providing services for people with brain injuries for 20 years.

We support people with brain injuries to come to terms with what has happened and overcome their disabilities, as well as providing support and advice to their families and carers and training and information for local professionals.

A note from our Director Charlie:

“We don’t seem to think of the ‘after’ following horrific injuries and when it comes to the head, the ‘after’ can be rather intense and scary. Ruth and her team do a fantastic job helping those that require ongoing support from head injuries get the help and care they need. They have invested heavily in their care practices and physical assets to truly help those in Devon with serious brain injuries. I am very happy that Ruth and Headway Devon are now part of the Falcon Digital Charities and Community Scheme.”

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Email [email protected]

Phone 01392 908804

Office Hours
9am - 5pm Mon-Fri

Office Address
Falcon Digital, Office 6, 6 St Paul's Road, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 2HP


Company Registration no: 13682575

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